Four Letter Words Puzzle 22

Four Letter Words Puzzle 22

Four Letter Words Puzzle 22 For Google Apps
Four Letter Words Puzzle 22

Jump start your Science of Reading program with a four letter words puzzles. This collection uses all letters of the alphabet to create a collection of 4-letter word searches that are fun to solve and a great way to get kids' brains engaged. Word search puzzles are available in printable and Google Apps version. Some words may not be familiar with younger kids.

To solve each the puzzle:
l. review the words in the list below the grid
2. locate each word hidden in the grid
3. trace the letter paths which can go vertically, horizontally and diagonally in all 8 directions.
4. as each word is found, cross it off the word list

Sample words included in this puzzle are: care, rack, mist

As part of helping your kids learn to read, have them use their newly acquired vocabulary (or any other words, for that matter) to create their own word search puzzles to share wand solve with friends and family. Our blank word search grids found here: Blank Word Search Grids. Grids are available in many grid sizes.